By Michael Alexander
How long do you have to boil water for it to be drinkable?
In an SHTF situation, knowing even the littlest of facts can spell the difference between life and death. Or in a normal day, the difference between comfort and the constant need to go to the bathroom. (h/t to DoomAndBloom.net) Take water, for example. Despite its abundance in our surroundings, not every drop of water you […]
By Arsenio Toledo
Prevent dehydration when SHTF by learning how to find and purify water
In a post-SHTF world, you won’t survive a week without drinking water. That makes having clean water one of your first priorities. In fact, spending too much of your energy looking for food instead of water might get you killed. To find out where your nearest source of water is, look to nature. Trees and other […]
By Mary Miller
6 Ways to prevent dehydration in a survival scenario
Your body naturally loses water every day, either through sweating, urinating, or even breathing. Dehydration occurs when you are unable to replenish your body’s water supply and you end up losing more fluids than you take in. In a survival situation, dehydration is a serious threat since you likely won’t last for more than three days without water. […]
By Grace Olson
Waste not, want not: How to reuse dehumidifier water
In an emergency, water may not always be available, and you may be forced to look for alternative sources. While you can find water outside, such as from ponds and lakes, there are potential water sources inside your house as well. One of these is dehumidifier water. By purifying it, it can offer a semi-continuous […]
By Darnel Fernandez
Use distillation to turn seawater into clean drinking water when SHTF
One of the cruelest ironies of this planet is that there is an overabundance of water, but not much of it is actually drinkable. Water is absolutely necessary for survival and finding a reliable water source should be anyone’s top priority when SHTF. In any disaster, drinking water may become a rare find, especially if you […]
By Zoey Sky
Quenching your thirst in the wilderness: How to find water when SHTF
In a survival scenario, you can last for a few weeks without food – but you can’t last as long without clean drinking water. Learn how to find and purify water so you can stay hydrated even if SHTF. (h/t to ScoutingMagazine.org) The symptoms of dehydration While you can survive for a few days without water, […]
By Zoey Sky
5 ways to wash your hands when running water is unavailable
Before SHTF, you need to consider one important aspect of hygiene and sanitation: hand washing. But how can you wash your hands if you run out of water? (h/t to PrimalSurvivor.net) The simple act of hand washing is essential for preventing the spread of diseases and infections, especially during a large-scale natural disaster that may cut off your access […]
By Edsel Cook
Prepper basics: How long is too long to store your water in plastic containers?
Is it safe to store drinking water in plastic containers for long periods? The type of plastic the containers are made of will determine how long you can safely store water in them. Plastic contains various chemicals, many of which are toxic to humans. Some of these compounds may leach into the liquid stored in plastic […]
By Stephanie Diaz
Your water may not be safe to drink: Here’s how to test it
Water is essential to life. Humans can survive for three weeks without food, but only seven days without water. It’s even more important for a prepper who wants all of his or her bases covered. What’s terrifying is even today, water is not safe – contaminated drinking water is a danger to everyone, not just […]
By Zoey Sky
Back-up plan for your back-up plan: What will you do when your water stockpile runs out?
Before SHTF, most preppers already double-checked their food and water stockpiles. But what do you if your water supply runs out during a long-term survival scenario? (h/t to ModernSurvivalBlog.com) It’s dangerous to assume that you already have enough supplies should disaster strike, especially when it comes to a finite resource like clean water. Consider the factors detailed […]
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