waste water
By Edsel Cook
Pollution in the ground water: Well water in Maine is contaminated with PFAs, and it’s compounding
Investigators have finally found out the horrific origin of the toxic chemicals in groundwater discovered in southwest Maine last spring. Seacoast Online reported that the per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) in the West Kennebunk well came from a small farm that served as a dumping ground for biosludge and corporate wastewater decades ago. Various parties […]
By Isabelle Z.
Make your laundry cleaner for the environment: Researchers designing ways to treat wastewater from washing machines
You can’t see silver nanoparticles in your clothes – not even with a microscope – but rest assured these tiny particles are present in many of your underwear, towels, socks, and other garments. Ranging in diameter from 1 to 100 nanometers, they are added to give clothes anti-odor and anti-bacterial properties. In fact, a quarter […]
By David Williams
Fracking waste is radioactive and endangers human health – there is NO safe way to dispose of it
Hydraulic fracturing – more commonly known as fracking – may still be legal in many states across the U.S., but there’s no denying that it’s a highly controversial practice. In the state of Colorado, which has issued strict guidelines regarding disposal of waste water from fracking sites, has now ruled that the waste is far too dangerous […]
By Russel Davis
Blunder at Fukushima: Mistake may have contaminated groundwater with radioactive waste
Officials at Tokyo Electric Power (TEPCO) have cautioned that contaminated water from the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors might have leaked since April following faulty water gauge settings that have lowered groundwater levels nearby. According to the company, the settings on six of the many wells located around the reactors were up to three feet below the requirement. Groundwater levels in […]
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